Valid for 12 months after buying. Room to be booked separately and not included on this voucher. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Voucher cannot be used without room booking. This voucher has to be used prior to arrival in order to be valid. Voucher cannot be redeemed upon check out. Please state your voucher code at the time of the booking and present it on arrival. Gift vouchers are only valid until (and including) the expiry date displayed on the front of the voucher. Gift vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash and change cannot be given. Gift vouchers should be treated like cash and are non-refundable, non-extendable and cannot be exchanged for an alternative or different experience. They cannot be replaced if lost, misplaced or stolen. Gift vouchers which are altered, defaced or cancelled will not be accepted. Please note that all vouchers will be checked by a member of staff at the time of your booking or prior your experience to confirm the validity. Limited for