This voucher is for use on one of our '5 Week Beginner Archery Courses' These courses are taught with a maximum of 8 participants on the course. All equipment is provided and sessions are designed for complete beginners or archers coming back to the sport after a period out. Courses are run on Monday or Friday evenings at either 6:15pm or 7:45pm, or Sunday afternoons at 1:15pm, 2:45pm or 4:15pm. These courses run for 60 minutes on the same day/time each week for five consecutive weeks.
The courses start on selected dates each month at our indoor venue in Archway North London. Spaces are limited for each course, so early booking is recommended. On completion of this course we hope that you will continue to shoot with us on our weekly club shoots. Although having done this course, you will also be eligible to join any other Archery club in the UK (Subject to their terms & conditions). Use of the voucher/booking is by email.
The course covers:
The two main styles of recurve archery: Barebow and Olympic-style sighted. Over five 60 minute session on the course you will also learn about safety, archery etiquette, basic equipment knowledge, scoring, and shooting at the full indoor distance of 20 yards.